Thursday, 12 December 2013

You Changed And Truth Got Lost

Please, come inside my bedroom door and tell me what to do. Tell me how to sleep, how to walk and how to eat. Because sexuality is as natural to me as these actions are to any heterosexual in our country. But please, disregard the fallacy of your backward arguments and continue dictating how I live my life because you can't open your mind to other possibilities, and continue living in the gutter you've dug for yourself.

Please, go ahead and dictate my life, regardless of the fact that we live in a country that flourishes in poverty, a country that can’t seem to feed itself and continuously starves. Disregard the millions of children who can’t get an education and are forced into labour and prostitution. Disregard the criminals you seem to be okay with running the country, and instead, sit and decide what the citizens of the country you make laws for should do behind locked doors.

Go ahead, we don’t mind at all.

We don’t mind that each and every day our politicians loot us of money that our country so desperately needs. We don’t mind that we’re alienated by the government of our own country, denied the right to question authority.

After all, who needs democracy, right? Let’s all regress back to an India where the Indians had no say in what happened. After all, its not the firangs ruling over us now, right? Its absolutely okay for Indians to rule over Indians with an iron fist.

So go ahead, tell us what to do. Tell us how we are wrong, how we don’t have the right. Tell us how we are abominations and that we are cursed, foul creatures sent by the Devil, by Asuras, to darken the world that your God created.

But don’t think that we’ll sit here quietly. We’re not your slaves, and you are not our colonial masters.

Please, instead of going on and on about how we are “modernized”  and a country slowly reaching a “developed” status, have a look inside your own mind. You can’t think beyond your stereotypes and your discriminations.

How can you truly be modern, global individuals with a mind set like that?

What I can hope is that the youth of today will not become like you. We will not allow you to ruin our country for us because you can’t progress with new ways of thinking.

Go ahead and stay in your gutter.

But don’t drag the entire country with you.


  1. Spot on and absolutely brilliant!
    With such an archaic mindset how can we even call ourselves an "emerging superpower" ? What's the point in becoming like China were the Government practically has a say in everything? The very essence of a democracy is lost!
    Granted the Supreme Court simply "interprets" the Constitution, but this verdict was a complete betrayal of the people it is meant to protect and defend. I mean, doesn't the Supreme court normally side with people who have no rights?
    With elections coming up we can expect the usual lip-service.

  2. Exactly. Now there are two things we can think of as possible in the coming days: 1. Congress using it to get votes by supporting a "minority group" or 2. No political party stepping up because honestly, sometimes I think the country is run by people who fail at using logic and actual common sense.

    And thank you!

  3. True! Seeing the way Congress got thrashed they may consider them as a possible "vote bank". But they seem to be in a perpetual state of "retrospection", so I doubt they'll do anything.
    BJP definitely won't do a thing. They wouldn't try to piss off the orthodox Hindus.
    So i guess your second point is the likely outcome and the future for them is pretty bleak.

  4. Its funny, I replied to your comment and I read the newspaper and Congress has decided to stand up for "freedom of choice". What did I say? Of course they would.

  5. Anyway, that's a good thing!
    Hopefully they'll fulfil their commitment!
